This is one of those little surprises which a teacher may receive ....a nice little surprise that once you read it ....it makes you feel fulfilled and happy with yourself, something that makes you happy, recognised and still believe that the choice made ...was the right one.
Here there is one of my ex-students letters. She was my student for several year and believe me she was just great...a pleasure to have had such a lovely pupil!!!.
Her name was Andrea.
De: andrea marco perez [andreuski80@hotmail.com]
Enviado el: viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007 21:37
Para: maria@escuela2.es
Asunto: surprise! read me please!
Dear ex-english teacher...
I was surfing the web, when I remembered my old school had a wonderful web site... and I wondered... why don't see if there's anything new? so.. I started to checked everything out and then I almost fell off my chair when I saw English Language Resources.
It was AMAZING, seriously, so amazing that it made me write you an e-mail to tell you so. I just wanted to congratulate you for the site you are running, it has improved sooooo much since you started. I know it takes a lot of hard work, but it really worths it. Every student still has got his/her own blog, which is awesome and now you put a lot of youtube videos, media and interesting stuff. Actually, I feel a bit gelous! I'm not gonna lie..hehe
I've also seen the song activities,e-pals project, sciencenglish.. everything is absolutely great!
I hope your stuends apreciate it and enjoy it, and if they don't now, they will in the future and they will notice how lucky they were for having such an english teacher that let them work in a different way.
So a part from that, I hope everything's fine! About me... I've already started my last year at high school and I'm happier than ever! I had quite good marks last course, but I should improve a little bit more to become a dentist.. hehe I think I've decided what I want to study, although everything can still change!
This summer has been perfect, I spent seven weeks in the south of England and I really really learnt quite a lot of english, I improve every year a little bit more.
Finally I will only say that if you need any help, it'll be a pleasure for me doing anything you want. We can't see each other, but once I had and english teacher that taught me how great technology was, you know.. e-mails, internet, blogs and so on..
See you soon!
Lots of love
Andrea Marco